Wind, and a lesson in chafe

There were 50 knot gusts yesterday in the inner harbor, where Winchelsea and I live. There were also 25 foot waves in Massachusetts Bay, as a low pressure system came around and parked itself over Boston. It's not supposed to leave until Monday, which means more rain and snow with less intense wind. I went back to the Winchelsea at lunch time yesterday and made sure all the dock lines were secure, the bilge was pumped out and that everything looked in order. When I returned later, after watching a really good IMAX movie at the aquarium, the winds were very, very strong. Boats were bouncing around the marina and it looked to be about 1-2 feet, after the waves were dissipated by the outer docks, which you can see in the picture below, to the left of the end of Long Wharf. The winds were supposed to increase until about midnight. I went below and started watching a movie and having a little night cap. Around 11:30 I noticed things started getting a little more rolly and t...