Finally, spring! First sail of the season, three years since leaving the desk job
First and foremost Sunday marked the first true sign, in my eyes at least, that the sailing season had begun and winter has officially kicked it: we went for a sail. Green's charter business On Watch Sailing is open for customers and to shake things out after a long, cold and snowy winter he invited myself and Elizabeth to join him and his family on Lyra, their Reliance 44. We sailed down to Hammersmith Farm and up under the Newport bridge and got some great pics for his website.

I wish I had the opportunity to paint the decks or something before her unveiling but most of my projects this winter happened below. Most recently I completely redid the head, which started a few months ago by removing everything. It all got a new coat of paint, a holding tank/plumbing (which it had never had before), and all new wiring for new LED cabin lights. See the before and after below.
Our first charter on Weatherly is a week from tomorrow. I've been working on Nefertiti, another 12 meter, in the shipyard. Lots of sanding (I'm on the scaffolding, looking like a white Darth Vader).

The shrink wrap came off Saturday. After nearly 5 months guarded from the elements of a New England winter that included a blizzard in the top five most severe of all time, a half dozen snow storms and lots of the delightful "wintery mix", she emerged unscathed.
Last, but certainly not least, yesterday was Marathon Monday in Boston. Thankfully nobody I knew personally was injured in the senseless tragedy that occurred. For myself though, it marks three years since quitting the desk job. Still absolutely zero regrets.