Looking forward

Summer is about half over now, and my thoughts are beginning to drift into what I will do at the end of the season. One thing is for certain: I will be heading south. New England winters and I get along like a raccoon and a bear trap and I can't tolerate another one. I plan to leave in early to mid October, dependant on wind and waves, of course. I already have one person on board for sure, a great girl Carla who does landscaping and construction and has plans to bike across the country next year in a custom trailer she's fabricating out of aluminum. My kinda people. I'm looking for at least one more and ideally two, but I think I can convince one of my coworkers to go with me. I imagine it will take me between 2 and 4 weeks to get there. I have completely made up my mind about that plan, no matter what condition the engine is in. I am heading south on Winchelsea in October, period.

After I get to Florida though, I'm not really sure what I'll do. I need to get my captains license at some point in the near future, so I could start on that process. I could hop on a tour boat in south Florida, the Keys, or the Caribbean like the job I have now. I could simply get daily work on boats doing maintenance and repair, and the occational delivery job while I continue sailing south through the Caribbean. I could also keep sailing through Panama and onto San Diego as originally planned.

Any thoughts or suggestions??


felicity said…
Love your blog, Scott Keddy! I have no wise thoughts or suggestions to offer other than continue doing what you're doing and, when you do get to FL, I'm sure you'll know what to do. It's too hard to plan for the future till you get there!! :) I gave my notice at my job yesterday, and have NO idea what I'm going to do, except I know it will be an adventure, and that's what life is all about. Luck and love, dude!!!!! :)
Christina Tobin said…
Bill said…
Glad to hear things are going well and that you are planning on keeping the Winchelsea!

Why not work your way through South Florida and the Caribbean? Depending on how much time you would need to get your Captain's license, it could help add to that experience. Plus there are lots of places you could hang out on your way through to Panama and San Diego.

Best of luck!

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