Flew to Florida yesterday, sailing back up Wednesday

I cannot express enough how glad I am to have started (and more importantly kept up with) this blog. Last Saturday I got a message on Facebook from a friend from engineering school I hadn't seen in over three years. In short, she said that she'd been following my blog and her sister and her sister's husband captain a boat for a charter company that makes its rounds in the Bahamas in the winter and Martha's Vineyard in the summer. Right now, the boat (ship, actually) is in West Palm and ready to head up to start the season. She wanted to know if I'd be interested in helping them sail it up sometime in the next week or two. Yes, that's her on the right; I'll give you two guesses as to what I said.

It is an 80' schooner, built in the 1930s and called the When and If. My room and board and expenses are paid for, and they said they may be able to give me some kind of compensation for my time as well (!). I am in Orlando at my brother's house currently, and I will be heading to West Palm tomorrow; we set sail Wednesday. They say it should only take five to six days. I'll see if I can update the blog remotely with any pictures I can snap on my phone, and of course, expect some good entries when I make it back to Boston!


Bill said…
Wow, what an amazing opportunity! She looks like a fine boat, have a great time!

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