"...but what will you do about money??"

It's probably the most common question I've been asked since I posed my proclamation a few days ago. I plan to keep my job as long as possible (I'll either quit mid July, get laid off, or get fired for not showing up for a week because it's forcast to be 78 and sunny for 8 days straight in June or something), so I should have a small chunk saved up. I've got quite a bit in my 401(k) and I won't dip into that unless absolutely necessary. To make up the difference and get me to San Diego, the basic plan, or lack thereof, is to work odd jobs for cash along the way to keep food in my mouth and the boat sailable. Material luxuries won't even be kept to a minimum, more along the lines of nonexistant. The luxuries I will enjoy will be in the form of working when I have to, sailing when I don't, and living a life people dream to have when they're 60 at 26. Not to mention the freedom, breathtaking scenery, and exotic surfing spots aplenty. It's a trade off, just like anything else in life. I'm trading a lot of day-to-day security and a steady salary for near infinite freedom. It may not be for everyone, but I deem it a bargain.

I've heard of people doing this before, and it does not seem all that hard, especially if you are motivated. I refer you to this site: http://www.roadjunky.com/guide/191/101-ways-for-the-traveler-to-work-abroad
I really agree with reason #2 on the top part that asks "Why would you want to work abroad?" It is one of my main reasons for doing this; to experience other people and cultures from the inside, and not simply be a tourist.

Side note: sorry for the lack of pictures, but there really hasn't been much to show on Winchelsea as of recent. Next week is supposed to be nearly 60, sunny and perfect boat maintenance weather. I'll be sure to put some up then!


Unknown said…
So as promised, I'm finally commenting because I have something interesting to contribute.
Please properly christen the Winchelsea.

P.S. Slightly concerned that the security word I'm being asked to type is "ovate"
Unknown said…
and it decided to erase my link making my post make no sense...
Anonymous said…
It's just as Biggie said...

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