Small Projects

Even with the swim season and desk job still ruling my life until mid February, I've still been able to get a bit done on Soveraine . I need to make the interior more homey and I decided to start with some cushions. A call to a professional left me in awe with a quote of over $1600 for a set of two bunks with backs and covers! They are about 6' long by 2.5' wide and the backs about another 2' high. Upwards of two grand for a set of cushions was just too much cash, and I started poking around for other ideas. I found out online that you can cut furniture foam pretty easily with an electric carving knife and I looked on craigslist to see if anyone was throwing out any couches/foam mattresses I could butcher. A few minutes later I decided used foam was not the route I wanted to go down with my new home. I contacted a foam manufacturer in Hartford and got a quote for $250 for all the foam for the bunk bottoms and backs! This would require getting to and from Hartford thoug...