Looking forward
Summer is about half over now, and my thoughts are beginning to drift into what I will do at the end of the season. One thing is for certain: I will be heading south. New England winters and I get along like a raccoon and a bear trap and I can't tolerate another one. I plan to leave in early to mid October, dependant on wind and waves, of course. I already have one person on board for sure, a great girl Carla who does landscaping and construction and has plans to bike across the country next year in a custom trailer she's fabricating out of aluminum. My kinda people. I'm looking for at least one more and ideally two, but I think I can convince one of my coworkers to go with me. I imagine it will take me between 2 and 4 weeks to get there. I have completely made up my mind about that plan, no matter what condition the engine is in. I am heading south on Winchelsea in October, period. After I get to Florida though, I'm not really sure what I'll do. I need to get my ca...